
The VESA DisplayPort Compliance Program


  • Supports the brand by insuring interoperability and licensing the brand logo for identification of compliant products by consumers.
  • Enables measurement of compliance in real products.
  • Provides reasonable measures of acceptability.

Member products that pass this level of acceptability are added to the Integrators List and have the right to license the DisplayPort Logo. Please reference the Compliance FAQ section if you have further questions.

The VESA DisplayPort Compliance Program is managed by VESA. Jim Choate is the compliance manager.

The VESA DisplayPort Trademark License Agreement

Usage of the DisplayPort logo requires a product to be compliant as demonstrated by passing the DisplayPort Compliance Program. In addition to successfully completing the DisplayPort Compliance Program and having their product included under their company name on the Integrators List, companies must complete:

  • The VESA member application or be an existing member of VESA
  • The VESA DisplayPort Trademark License Agreement must be signed for access to the logo artwork and the right to use the logo with products that pass DisplayPort Compliance Testing and are included in the Integrators List.

After earning the certified logo and completing the appropriate paper work you have earned the right to use the compliance logo. Your product will be listed on the DisplayPort website according to product type.

DisplayPort Authorized Test Centers (ATCs)

VESA certified 3rd Party Test Centers have been trained to perform tests for specific product types. Vendors are encouraged to pre-test their products in their own labs prior to submitting them for testing at a certified test facility. To earn the opportunity to receive a DisplayPort Logo for your product(s), each product must pass a series of tests as described in the PHY Layer Compliance Test Specification and Link Layer Compliance Test Specification.

Currently Qualified DisplayPort Compliance Test Centers

Allion Labs, Inc. 9F, No. 3-1, Yuan Ku Street Taipei, Taiwan 11503, R.O.C. Tel: +886-2-2655-7877 Fax: +886-2-2655-7879 Email: service@allion.com URL: www.allion.com

Allion Labs, Inc.-Shenzhen, SuperD Technology Tower, 8F, No.12, Keji South 8th Rd. Nanshan District, Shenzhen, 518057, PRC. Tel: +86-755-86636380 Fax: +86-75586636330 Email: cn_service@allion.com URL: www.allion.com

Allion Japan Inc., 4F, Tokyo SRC Building B, 1-1-1, Katsushima, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, 140-0022 Japan, Tel: +81-3-5728-9966, Fax: +81-3-5728-9976, service@allion.co.jp URL: http://www.allion.co.jp/

Granite River Labs Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. Korea Branch,. #908~913, BT Center, 56 Songdogwahak-ro, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, 21984 Tel: +82 070 8808 5214 Email: info_korea@graniteriverlabs.com URL: https://www.graniteriverlabs.com/ko-kr/

Granite River Labs – Dongguan Lab 东莞技流信息科技有限公司 Room 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, Level 20, Building 1, No. 5 Keji 2nd Rd., Songshan Lake, Dongguan, Guangdong, China TEL: +86-769-22235721 Email: info_china@graniteriverlabs.com URL: https://graniteriverlabs.com.cn/

Granite River Labs – Silicon Valley 3500 Thomas Road, Suite A Santa Clara, CA 95054 Tel: +1-408-627-7608 Fax: +1-408-912-1810 Email: info@graniteriverlabs.com URL: www.GraniteRiverLabs.com

Granite River Labs – Taipei Lab 新加坡商技流創新有限公司台灣分公司 5F., No. 489, Sec. 2, Tiding Blvd., Neihu Dist., Taipei City 11493, Taiwan R.O.C Main Phone: +886 (2) 657-2199 Email: info_taiwan@graniteriverlabs.com URL: https://graniteriverlabs.com.tw/

Granite River Labs Japan Ltd., Shin-yokohama Urbansquare 5F,  1-3-1 Shin-yokohama, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama 222-0033 Japan Tel: +81 45-470-0030 Fax: +81 45-470-0031 Email: info_japan@graniteriverlabs.com URL: graniteriverlabs.co.jp

Granite River Labs (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Room 103, B2, No.700 Yishan Rd, Xuhui District, Shanghai, China, 200233 Shanghai Tel: +86 (21) 5439-9037 Email: info_china@graniteriverlabs.com URL: www.graniteriverlabs.com.cn

Insight Test Labs 誠新量測股份有限公司, 4F.-3, No. 36, Alley 38, Lane 358, Ruiguang Rd, Neihu District, Taipei City, Taiwan. 114. Tel: +886 2-2627-2946 Email: info@labs-insight.com URL: https://labs-insight.com/

Integrated Service Technology, Inc. 1F, No.18, Lane 30, Sec 1, Jiuzong Rd. Neihu district, Taipei City, Taiwan Tel +886-2-2792-2890 Fax +886-2-2792-5680 E-mail: web_OTA@istgroup.com

Integrated Service Technology, Inc (Shanghai), Unit 02, 21 Floor, Kehui Tower, No.1188 Qinzhou North Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai, China, TEL: +86-21-60338055 E-mail: web_si@istgroup.com, URL: https://www.istgroup.com/tw/service/signal-integrity/

Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA) 267-2 Seohyeon-dong, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-city, Gyeonggi-do, 463-824, KOREA Fax: +82-31-724-0026 Mobile: +82-10-5111-1443, E-mail: spbae@tta.or.kr, URL: http://www.tta.or.kr/English/

Underwriters Laboratories Taiwan Co., Ltd. 優力國際安全認證有限公司1st Floor, 260, Da-Yeh Road, Peitou District, Taipei City, Taiwan 112 Tel: 886.2.7737.3000 Fax: 886.2.7737.3430/1 Email: customerservice.tw@ul.com URL: www.ul.com

UL-CCIC Company Ltd. Suzhou Branch苏州UL美华认证有限公司 No. 2, Chengwan Road, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou 215122, China 中国苏州工业园区澄湾路2号 Tel: +86.512.6808.6400 Fax: +86.512.6808.4099
Email: customerservice.cn@ul.com URL: www.ul.com



The VESA DisplayHDR Compliance Program


  • Supports the brand by licensing the logo for identification of compliant products by consumers.
  • Enables measurement of compliance in real products.
  • Provides reasonable measures of acceptability.

Products that pass this level of acceptability are added to the Integrators List and have the right to license the DisplayHDR Logo. Please reference the Compliance FAQ section if you have further questions.

The VESA DisplayHDR Compliance Program is managed by VESA. Jim Choate is the compliance manager.

The VESA DisplayHDR Trademark License Agreement

Usage of the DisplayHDR logo requires a product to be compliant as demonstrated by passing the DisplayHDR Compliance Program. In addition to successfully completing the DisplayHDR Compliance Program and having their product included under their company name on the Integrators List, companies must complete:

  • The VESA member application or be an existing member of VESA
  • The VESA DisplayHDR Trademark License Agreement must be signed for access to the logo artwork and the right to use the logo with products that pass DisplayHDR Compliance Testing and are included in the Integrators List.

After earning the certified logo and completing the appropriate paper work you have earned the right to use the compliance logo. Your product will be listed on the DisplayHDR website according to product type.

DisplayHDR Authorized Test Centers (ATCs)

VESA certified 3rd Party Test Centers have been trained to perform tests for specific product types. Vendors can self-certify their products in their own labs or submit them for testing at a certified test facility. To earn the opportunity to receive a DisplayHDR Logo for your product(s), each product must pass a series of tests as described in the High Performance Monitor and Display Compliance Test Specification.

Currently Qualified DisplayHDR Compliance Test Centers

Allion Labs, Inc. 9F, No. 3-1, Yuan Ku Street Taipei, Taiwan 11503, R.O.C. Tel: +886-2-2655-7877 Fax: +886-2-2655-7879 Email: service@allion.com URL: www.allion.com

Allion Labs, Inc.-Shenzhen, SuperD Technology Tower, 8F, No.12, Keji South 8th Rd. Nanshan District, Shenzhen, 518057, PRC. Tel: +86-755-86636380 Fax: +86-75586636330 Email: cn_service@allion.com URL: www.allion.com

Allion Labs, Inc., Takanawa Park Tower 1F/12F, 3-20-14, Higashi-Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, Japan 141-0022, Tel: +81-3-5728-9966 Fax: +81-3-5728-9976, service@allion.co.jp URL: http://www.allion.co.jp/

Granite River Labs – Dongguan Lab 东莞技流信息科技有限公司 Room 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, Level 20, Building 1, No. 5 Keji 2nd Rd., Songshan Lake, Dongguan, Guangdong, China TEL: +86-769-22235721 Email: info_china@graniteriverlabs.com URL: https://graniteriverlabs.com.cn/

Granite River Labs – Taipei Lab 技流科技有限公司 5F., No. 489, Sec. 2, Tiding Blvd., Neihu Dist., Taipei City 11493, Taiwan R.O.C Main Phone: +886 (2) 657-2199 Email: info_taiwan@graniteriverlabs.com URL: https://graniteriverlabs.com.tw/

Granite River Labs (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Room 103, B2, No.700 Yishan Rd, Xuhui District, Shanghai, China, 200233, Tel: +86 (21) 5439-9037, Email: info_china@graniteriverlabs.com URL: www.graniteriverlabs.com.cn

Insight Test Labs 誠新量測股份有限公司, 4F.-3, No. 36, Alley 38, Lane 358, Ruiguang Rd, Neihu District, Taipei City, Taiwan. 114. Tel: +886 2-2627-2946 Email: info@labs-insight.com URL: https://labs-insight.com/

Integrated Service Technology, Inc., Tel:+886-2-2792-2890, Fax:+886-2-2792-5680, Address:1F, No.18, Lane 30, Sec 1, Jiuzong Rd. Neihu district, Taipei City 11494, Taiwan, R.O.C., ZIP Code:11494, Mail:web_OTA@istgroup.com, URL: https://www.istgroup.com/tw/service/signal-integrity/

Underwriters Laboratories Taiwan Co., Ltd. 優力國際安全認證有限公司1st Floor, 260, Da-Yeh Road, Peitou District, Taipei City, Taiwan 112 Tel: 886.2.7737.3000 Fax: 886.2.7737.3430/1 Email: customerservice.tw@ul.com URL: www.ul.com

UL-CCIC Company Ltd. Suzhou Branch苏州UL美华认证有限公司 No. 2, Chengwan Road, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou 215122, China 中国苏州工业园区澄湾路2号 Tel: +86.512.6808.6400 Fax: +86.512.6808.4099
Email: customerservice.cn@ul.com URL: www.ul.com

HDCP 2.2 Requirements

VESA requires HDCP 2.2 Compliance Testing using DCP approved test solutions as a pre-requisite for DP Certification, if supported. Support for HDCP 2.2 is still optional for DP products. Self-test is acceptable.  Include the log file from the HDCP 2.2 test to your ATC or with the regular test reports when submitting request for VESA DP Certification. 

Disclaimer: This testing is intended as an aid to the correct implementation of the  DCP HDCP Compliance Rules for hardware and software implementations of the HDCP Specification in a DP Licensed Product. The testing does not address all requirements necessary to create a product that is Compliant. VESA is not an authorized DCP test authority. Successful completion of all tests for a given type of device does not earn or imply, directly or indirectly, any certification, endorsement or other statement of fitness for use by VESA or the DCP, LLC. Test results and reports are for the information of the licensee and intended solely as an aid to help determine if Licensee’s implementation meets the requirements of the Compliance rules in the license agreement. Refer to https://www.digital-cp.com/compliance for additional information on HDCP 2.2 requirements.



VESA Sponsored Interoperability PlugTests

DisplayPort Interoperability PlugTests are members-only events held regularly to promote DisplayPort product development, help foster communication between DisplayPort product manufacturers and ensure that DisplayPort products operate together. Our goal is to eliminate interoperability problems by ensuring proper implementation of DisplayPort products.

PlugTests are held about twice a year at hotels in various locations and typically run for four days. Private test sessions are also scheduled between vendors. During these test sessions, the vendors validate that their products work well together.


Whom to Contact

If you have questions or comments concerning the DisplayPort Compliance Program or DisplayHDR Compliance Program please contact: Bill Lempesis, Executive Director of VESA, bill@vesa.org or Jim Choate, jimchoate@dpcompliance.com